Young Indians And Thailand Secrets

Educational & Professional | 6 Chapters

Author: Arshaq Habib


The tourism industry constantly changes due to growing competition, and addition of new travel destinations apart from the changes in the expectations of the tourists in terms of destination choice. Studies have shown that destination image is among the prominent factors for making the choice of travel destination. Creating and maintaining the destination image can become one of the key sources of adding the competitive advantages and one of the ....

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Tourism is an important industry that has a strong impact on the development and growth of the economy of a country. In addition to creation of jobs, it is a sector that generates income and important source of social welfare. Kadhi (2009) says destination image is a complex concept but destination and an individual have a personal relationship which stimulated the individual to create a specific picture of the destination and assessing the destination in terms of whether it can fulfil their expectations are not. Puh (2014) says tourism industry constantly changes due to growing competition, and addition of new travel destinations apart from the changes in the expectations of the tourists in terms of destination choice. Studies have shown that destination image is among the prominent factors for making the choice of travel destination. Ekinci and Hosany (2006) have pointed out that effectively positioning the destination has always been a challenge for the tourism industry. For a successful destination, the image of the destination needs to differentiated from the competitors and it needs to effectively positioned in the minds of the customers. Tourists have positive and negative experience and perception about a destination and these perceptions are based on the factors that cannot be easily altered. The destination image influences the travel decisions taken by the customers and its affects their behaviour towards the destination which in turn affects the satisfaction says Prayang (2008).

In the tourism industry, the competitiveness among various tourist destinations has become highly demanding. With large number of existing and new destination competing to attract more tourists, creating destination image has become of the main factor for a successful tourism. Studies have pointed out the destination image influences the tourist satisfaction considering the positive image created through h experience lead to revisits. The aim of the research is to explore the factors that influence the destination image and tourist satisfaction.

1.2 Research Aim and Objectives

1.2.1 Research Aim

The aim of the research is to examine the factors influencing the destination image and tourist satisfaction of Thailand for Young Indians.

1.2.2 Research Objectives

  • To analyse the importance of a good destination image and tourist satisfaction for a tourist destination.

  • To identify the factors influencing destination image of Thailand among young Indians.

  • To identify the tourist satisfaction of young Indians towards Thailand as a tourist destination.

  • To propose recommendations on how Thailand can improve its destination image and tourist satisfaction for young Indians based on the results of the study.

To analyse the importance of a good destination image and tourist satisfaction for a tourist destination.

To identify the factors influencing destination image of Thailand among young Indians.

To identify the tourist satisfaction of young Indians towards Thailand as a tourist destination.

To propose recommendations on how Thailand can improve its destination image and tourist satisfaction for young Indians based on the results of the study.

1.3 Research Questions

  1. Why is it important to maintain good destination image and tourist satisfaction for Thailand?

  2. What are the factors influencing destination among of Thailand among young Indians?

  3. Which are the factors that influence the most?

  4. What is the level of tourist satisfaction of young Indians towards Thailand as a tourist destination?

  5. What can Thailand do to improve its destination image and tourist satisfaction for young Indians?

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Educational & Professional | 6 Chapters

Author: Arshaq Habib

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Young Indians and Thailand Secrets

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